Results for 'Luitzen Jan Brouwer'

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  1.  62
    Brouwer's Cambridge lectures on intuitionism.Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer - 1981 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by D. van Dalen.
    Luitzen Egburtus Jan Brouwer founded a school of thought whose aim was to include mathematics within the framework of intuitionistic philosophy; mathematics was to be regarded as an essentially free development of the human mind. What emerged diverged considerably at some points from tradition, but intuitionism has survived well the struggle between contending schools in the foundations of mathematics and exact philosophy. Originally published in 1981, this monograph contains a series of lectures dealing with most of the fundamental (...)
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  2. Life, Art, and Mysticism.Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (3):389-429.
  3.  30
    Luitzen egbertus Jan Brouwer.Mark van Atten - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  4. Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer. On the significance of the principle of excluded middle in mathematics, especially in function theory, English translation of 15516 by Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg and Jean van Heijenoort. From Frege to Gödel, A source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1967, pp. 334–341. Addenda and corrigenda, English translation of XXIV 189 by Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg, Claske M. Berndes Franck, Dirk van Dalen, and Jean van Heijenoort. Ibid., pp. 341–342. Further addenda and corrigenda. English translation of XXIV 189 by Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg, Dirk van Dalen, and Jean van Heijenoort. Ibid., pp. 342–345. - Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer. On the domains of definition of functions. From Frege to Gödel, A source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931, edited by Jean van Heijenoort, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1967, pp. 446–463. English translation of §§1–3 of Über Definiti. [REVIEW]Joan Rand Moschovakis - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (2):332-333.
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    Brouwer's Intuitionism.Walter P. Van Stigt - 1990 - North Holland.
    Dutch Mathematician Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer (1881-1966) was a rebel. His doctoral thesis... was the manifesto of an angry young man taking on the mathematical establishment on all fronts. In a short time he established a world-wide reputation for himself; his genius and originality were acknowledged by the great mathematicians of his time... The Intuitionist-Formalist debate became a personal feud between the mathematical giants Brouwer and Hilbert, and ended in 1928 with the expulsion of Brouwer from (...)
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    Brouwer’s Cambridge Lectures on Intuitionism.D. van Dalen (ed.) - 1981 - Cambridge University Press.
    Luitzen Egburtus Jan Brouwer founded a school of thought whose aim was to include mathematics within the framework of intuitionistic philosophy; mathematics was to be regarded as an essentially free development of the human mind. What emerged diverged considerably at some points from tradition, but intuitionism has survived well the struggle between contending schools in the foundations of mathematics and exact philosophy. Originally published in 1981, this monograph contains a series of lectures dealing with most of the fundamental (...)
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    Brouwer and Nietzsche: Views about Life, Views about Logic.Miriam Franchella - 2015 - History and Philosophy of Logic 36 (4):367-391.
    Friedrich Nietzsche and Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer had strong personalities and freely expressed unconventional opinions. In particular, they dared to challenge the traditional view that considered Aristotelian logic as being absolute and intrinsic to man. Although they formed this opinion in different ways and in different contexts, they both based it on a view of life that considered it as a struggle for power in which logic was a weapon. Therefore, it is interesting to carry out an in-depth (...)
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    Plerosis and Atomic Gestalts.Baingio Pinna, Andrea van Doorn & Jan Koenderink - 2017 - Gestalt Theory 39 (1):30-53.
    Summary Franz Brentano, 1838–1917, introduced the intriguing concept of “plerosis” in order to account for aspects of the continuum that were “explained” by formal mathematics in ways that he considered absurd from the perspective of intuition, especially visual awareness and imagery. In doing this, he pointed in directions later developed by the Dutch mathematician Luitzen Brouwer. Brentano’s notion of plerosis involves distinct though coincident points, which one might call “atomic entities with parts”. This notion fits the modern concepts (...)
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    L.E.J. Brouwer: Topologist, Intuitionist, Philosopher: How Mathematics is Rooted in Life.Dirk van Dalen - 2012 - Springer.
    Dirk van Dalen’s biography studies the fascinating life of the famous Dutch mathematician and philosopher Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer. Brouwer belonged to a special class of genius; complex and often controversial and gifted with a deep intuition, he had an unparalleled access to the secrets and intricacies of mathematics. Most mathematicians remember L.E.J. Brouwer from his scientific breakthroughs in the young subject of topology and for the famous Brouwer fixed point theorem. Brouwer’s main interest, (...)
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    Improving real-life, heart rate based estimates of emotion by taking metabolic heart rate into account – a perspective and an example in cooking.Anne-Marie Brouwer, Maarten Hogervorst, Jan Van Erp, Elsbeth Van Dam, Justin Brooks, Marc Grootjen & Elisabeth Zandstra - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Improving Real-Life Estimates of Emotion Based on Heart Rate: A Perspective on Taking Metabolic Heart Rate Into Account.Anne-Marie Brouwer, Elsbeth van Dam, Jan B. F. van Erp, Derek P. Spangler & Justin R. Brooks - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Pediatric Brain Tumors: Narrating Suffering and End-of-Life Decisionmaking.Marije Brouwer, Els Maeckelberghe, Henk-jan ten Brincke, Marloes Meulenbeek-ten Brincke & Eduard Verhagen - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (3):338-345.
    When talking about decisionmaking for children with a life-threatening condition, the death of children with brain tumors deserves special attention. The last days of the lives of these children can be particularly harsh for bystanders, and raise questions about the suffering of these children themselves. In the Netherlands, these children are part of the group for whom a wide range of end-of-life decisions are discussed, and questions raised. What does the end-of-life for these children look like, and what motivates physicians (...)
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  13. Culture and contrasting views on the individual, autonomy and mortality with special reference to India.Jan Brouwer - 2007 - In Paula Banerjee & Samir Kumar Das (eds.), Autonomy: beyond Kant and hermeneutics. New York: Anthem Press.
  14.  8
    Post-analytic Tractatus.Barry Stocker - 2004 - Routledge.
    Introduction Life, art and mysticism Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer Logic and ethics as the limits of the world Anthony Rudd To what extent is solipsism a truth? Michael Kremer Frege at therapy Kelly Dean Jolley 'Making sense' of nonsense Conant and Diamond read Wittgenstein's Tractatus Diarmuid Costello More making sense of nonsense: from logical form to forms of life Daniel D. Hutto Saying and showing: an example from Anscombe Cora Diamond Why worry about the Tractatus? James Conant Transcendence (...)
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    When Do Morally Motivated Innovators Elicit Inspiration Instead of Irritation?Jan Willem Bolderdijk, Claire Brouwer & Gert Cornelissen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Emotional State During Tasting Affects Emotional Experience Differently and Robustly for Novel and Familiar Foods.Daisuke Kaneko, Anne-Marie Brouwer, Maarten Hogervorst, Alexander Toet, Victor Kallen & Jan B. F. van Erp - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Methods for Evaluating Emotions Evoked by Food Experiences: A Literature Review.Daisuke Kaneko, Alexander Toet, Anne-Marie Brouwer, Victor Kallen & Jan B. F. van Erp - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:316974.
    Besides sensory characteristics of food, food-evoked emotion is a crucial factor in predicting consumer’s food preference and therefore in developing new products. Many measures have been developed to assess food-evoked emotions. The aim of this literature review is (i) to give an exhaustive overview of measures used in current research and (ii) to categorize these methods along measurement level (physiological, behavioral, and cognitive) and emotional processing level (unconscious sensory, perceptual / early cognitive, and conscious / decision making) level. This 3x3 (...)
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  18.  24
    Intuition in Mathematics: from Racism to Pluralism.Miriam Franchella - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (3):1055-1091.
    In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries many mathematicians referred to intuition as the indispensable research tool for obtaining new results. In this essay we will analyse a group of mathematicians who interacted with Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer in order to compare their conceptions of intuition. We will see how to the same word “intuition” very different meanings corresponded: they varied from geometrical vision, to a unitary view of a demonstration, to the perception of time, to the faculty of (...)
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    Wageningen Dialogue : Hands-on navigator to explore why, when and how to engage with dialogue in research for more impact in society.Nina Roo, Janita Sanderse, Petra Boer, Dirk Apeldoorn, Birgit Boogaard, Annet Blanken, Jan Brouwers, Simone Burg, Mark Camara, Malik Dasoo, Ivo Demmers, Monice Dongen, Walter Fraanje, Miriam Haukes, Riti Herman Mostert, Alexander Laarman, Cees Leeuwis, Bert Lotz, Philip Macnaghten, Tamara Metze, Jeanne Nel, Hanneke Nijland, Leneke Pfeiffer, Simone Ritzer, Eirini Sakellari, Herman Snel, Gert Spaargaren, Wijnand Sukkel, Antoinette Thijssen, Daoud Urdu, Saskia Visser, Marieke Vonderen, Simone Vugt, Marjan Wink & Ingeborg Wolf - unknown
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    CROCUFID: A Cross-Cultural Food Image Database for Research on Food Elicited Affective Responses.Alexander Toet, Daisuke Kaneko, Inge de Kruijf, Shota Ushiama, Martin G. van Schaik, Anne-Marie Brouwer, Victor Kallen & Jan B. F. van Erp - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  21. EmojiGrid: A 2D Pictorial Scale for the Assessment of Food Elicited Emotions.Alexander Toet, Daisuke Kaneko, Shota Ushiama, Sofie Hoving, Inge de Kruijf, Anne-Marie Brouwer, Victor Kallen & Jan B. F. van Erp - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Preface and introduction.Mark van Atten - unknown
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    Walter P. Van stigt: Brouwer’s intuitionism. (= Studies in the history and philosophy of mathematics, vol. II.) amsterdam/new york/oxford/tokyo: North Holland 1990, XXVI + 530pp. [REVIEW]Jan Woleński - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 41 (1):249-250.
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    Luitzen Brouwer and the snake.Ben-Ami Scharfstein - 1975 - Philosophia 5 (4):523-527.
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    Dirk van Dalen. Mystic, geometer, and intuitionist. The life of L. E. J. Brouwer. Volume 1. The dawning revolution. Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, etc., 1999, xv + 440 pp. [REVIEW]Jan von Plato - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):62-65.
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  26. Bouwsma, Oets K. Braithwaite, Richard Brandom, Robert 33 Brouwer, Luitzen EJ 275–277, 279–280, 284.Theodor W. Adorno, Steven G. Affeldt, Rogers Albritton, Alice Ambrose, Erich Ammereller, Alan R. Anderson, Chrisoula Andreou, Julia Annas, Elizabeth Anscombe & Karl-Otto Apel - 2007 - In Guy Kahane, Edward Kanterian & Oskari Kuusela (eds.), Wittgenstein and His Interpreters: Essays in Memory of Gordon Baker. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 345.
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    On A. A. Markov's Attitude towards Brouwer's Intuitionism.Ioannis M. Vandoulakis - 2015 - Philosophia Scientiae 19:143-158.
    The paper examines Andrei A. Markov’s critical attitude towards L.E.J. Brouwer’s intuitionism, as is expressed in his endnotes to the Russian translation of Heyting’s Intuitionism, published in Moscow in 1965. It is argued that Markov’s algorithmic approach was shaped under the impact of the mathematical style and values prevailing in the Petersburg mathematical school, which is characterized by the proclaimed primacy of applications and the search for rigor and effective solutions.
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    Poincaré and counter-modernism.Jeremy Gray - 2022 - Science in Context 35 (4):414-425.
    ArgumentIt would have been easy for a less imaginative historian of mathematics than Herbert Mehrtens to have portrayed the work of Hilbert, Hausdorff, and other modernists as pioneers, and those who did not subscribe to their program as people who failed, were not good enough to make the turn, and were eventually and convincingly left behind. That he did not do so is not only because this would have been a shallow, selective view of the facts: it is incompatible with (...)
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    Essays on Husserl’s Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics.Stefania Centrone (ed.) - 2017 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    Essays on Husserl’s Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics sets out to fill up a lacuna in the present research on Husserl by presenting a precise account of Husserl’s work in the field of logic, of the philosophy of logic and of the philosophy of mathematics. The aim is to provide an in-depth reconstruction and analysis of the discussion between Husserl and his most important interlocutors, and to clarify pivotal ideas of Husserl’s by considering their reception and elaboration by some of (...)
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    Can Subjectivism Account for Degrees of Wellbeing?Willem van der Deijl & Huub Brouwer - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (3):767-788.
    Wellbeing describes how good life is for the person living it. Wellbeing comes in degrees. Subjective theories of wellbeing maintain that for objects or states of affairs to benefit us, we need to have a positive attitude towards these objects or states of affairs: the Resonance Constraint. In this article, we investigate to what extent subjectivism can plausibly account for degrees of wellbeing. There is a vast literature on whether preference-satisfaction theory – one particular subjective theory – can account for (...)
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    Do we understand the intervention? What complex intervention research can teach us for the evaluation of clinical ethics support services.Jan Schildmann, Stephan Nadolny, Joschka Haltaufderheide, Marjolein Gysels, Jochen Vollmann & Claudia Bausewein - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):48.
    Evaluating clinical ethics support services has been hailed as important research task. At the same time, there is considerable debate about how to evaluate CESS appropriately. The criticism, which has been aired, refers to normative as well as empirical aspects of evaluating CESS. In this paper, we argue that a first necessary step for progress is to better understand the intervention in CESS. Tools of complex intervention research methodology may provide relevant means in this respect. In a first step, we (...)
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    Filozoficzna Szkoła Lwowsko-Warszawska.Jan Woleński (ed.) - 1985 - Warszawa: Pwn.
  33. Essais hérétiques sur la philosophie de l'histoire.Jan Patočka - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (4):502-502.
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    Participation and Degrees.Jan Willem Wieland - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (1):39-56.
    What's wrong with joining corona parties? In this article, I defend the idea that reasons to avoid such parties come in degrees. I approach this issue from a participation-based perspective. Specifically, I argue that the more people are already joining the party, and the more likely it is that the virus will spread among everyone, the stronger the participation-based reason not to join. In defense of these degrees, I argue that they covary with the expression of certain attitudes.
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  35. Pacifism: A philosophical analysis.Jan Narveson - 1965 - Ethics 75 (4):259-271.
    Of all the attitudes and theories associated with or identified as "pacifism," only the doctrine that everyone ought not to resist violence with force is of philosophical interest, And it is logically incoherent. Pacifism's popularity rests on confusions about what the doctrine really is. If we have rights, We have the right to prevent infringements upon them. We have the right to use force to protect our rights, And in the degree necessary to accomplish that end. (staff).
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  36. An Interpretation of Weights in Linear Opinion Pooling.Jan-Willem Romeijn - 2024 - Episteme 21 (1):19-33.
    This paper explores the fact that linear opinion pooling can be represented as a Bayesian update on the opinions of others. It uses this fact to propose a new interpretation of the pooling weights. Relative to certain modelling assumptions the weights can be equated with the so-called truth-conduciveness known from the context of Condorcet's jury theorem. This suggests a novel way to elicit the weights.
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    The Early Axiomatizations of Quantum Mechanics: Jordan, von Neumann and the Continuation of Hilbert's Program.Jan Lacki - 2000 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 54 (4):279-318.
    Hilbert's axiomatization program of physical theories met an interesting challenge when it confronted the rise of quantum mechanics in the mid-twenties. The novelty of the mathematical apparatus of the then newly born theory was to be matched only by its substantial lack of any definite physical interpretation. The early attempts at axiomatization, which are described here, reflect all the difficulty of the task faced by Jordan, Hilbert, von Neumann and others. The role of von Neumann is examined in considerable detail (...)
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    Ontological questions in linguistics.Jan W. F. Mulder - 2005 - Muenchen: Lincom Europa. Edited by Paul Rastall.
  39. Is Government a Mistake? Exploring the Anarchist Option.Jan Narveson - unknown
    Bastiat's great contribution to economics, in his own view, was his identification of service as the source of economic value. What is anything worth to anybody? In the cases where we are not dealing with what our fellow men do for us, the answer is to be found in its utility - how much the thing contributes to our satisfaction. In the case where we deal with our fellows, we are interested specifically in what they can do for us, that (...)
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  40. Bibliography.Jan Philipp Reemtsma - 2012 - In Trust and Violence: An Essay on a Modern Relationship. Princeton University Press. pp. 359-380.
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    Επιβολη τησ διανοιασ: Reflections on the fourth epicurean criterion of truth.Jan Maximilian Robitzsch - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):601-616.
    This paper discusses ἐπιβολαὶ τῆς διανοίας, which later Epicureans are supposed to have elevated to a fourth criterion of truth to complement perceptions, preconceptions and feelings. By examining Epicurus’ extant writings, the paper distinguishes three different senses of the term: ‘thought in general’, ‘act of attention’ and ‘mental perception’. It is argued that only the sense ‘mental perception’ yields a plausible reading of ἐπιβολαί as a criterion of truth. The paper then turns to the textual evidence on ἐπιβολαί in later (...)
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  42. Foucault and the Post-Revolutionary Self: The Uses of Cousinian Pedagogy in Nineteenth-Century France.Jan Goldstein - 1994 - In Foucault and the writing of history. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 99--115.
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    Unendliches Bewusstsein: Berkeleys Idealismus und dessen kritische Weiterentwicklung bei Kant und Schopenhauer.Jan Kerkmann - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Die leitende These der Untersuchung lautet, dass der von Berkeley inaugurierte und uneingeschränkt verteidigte Idealismus bei Kant und Schopenhauer eine spannungsreiche Bewegung der Problematisierung und Kritik freisetzt. In der bisherigen Forschung wurden die Positionen George Berkeleys, Immanuel Kants und Arthur Schopenhauers noch nicht systematisch miteinander verglichen. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Idealismus erstmals anhand dieser drei Referenzautoren zu dokumentieren, bildet das zentrale Thema der Untersuchung, das die detaillierten Einzeluntersuchungen organisch verbindet. Darüber hinaus ist es ein eminentes Beweisziel der vorliegenden Monographie, Berkeley als (...)
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  44. Was umfaßt heute Physik? Aspekte einer nachmodernen Physik.Jan C. Schmidt - 2001 - Philosophia Naturalis 38 (2):271-297.
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    Could Machines Replace Human Scientists? Digitalization and Scientific Discoveries.Jan G. Michel - 2020 - In Benedikt Paul Göcke & Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten (eds.), Artificial Intelligence: Reflections in Philosophy, Theology, and the Social Sciences. pp. 361–376.
    The focus of this article is a question that has been neglected in debates about digitalization: Could machines replace human scientists? To provide an intelligible answer to it, we need to answer a further question: What is it that makes (or constitutes) a scientist? I offer an answer to this question by proposing a new demarcation criterion for science which I call “the discoverability criterion”. I proceed as follows: (1) I explain why the target question of this article is important, (...)
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    Adolf Lindenbaum: Notes on his Life, with Bibliography and Selected References.Jan Zygmunt & Robert Purdy - 2014 - Logica Universalis 8 (3-4):285-320.
    Notes on the life of Adolf Lindenbaum, a complete bibliography of his published works, and selected references to his unpublished results.
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    La Philosophie des mathématiques de Henri Poincaré.Jan Johann Albinn Mooij - 1966 - Louvain,: E. Nauwelaerts.
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    Individual attitude change and societal dynamics: Computational experiments with psychological theories.Jan Lorenz, Martin Neumann & Tobias Schröder - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (4):623-642.
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    Derrida and/to Žižek on the Spectral Victim of Human Rights in Anil’s Ghost.Jan Gresil de los Santos Kahambing - 2019 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 13 (3).
    There is a wide spectrum in reading Michael Ondaatje’s novel Anil’s Ghost, ranging from thinkers who explore literary, historical, to ethico-ontological and political aspects. I confine the study by strictly retrieving the subjectivity of the human rights victim as not rested in its being a subject and victim, hence as a specter that haunts or ‘retaliates’ into exposing its victimization. This article attempts to read the spectral nature of this victim using Derrida and Žižek. The Derridean reading grounds the central (...)
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    Bolzano's logic.Jan Sebestik - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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